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W.C. Butler Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Heed these Signs You Need Furnace Repair


There is only one way to stay ahead of a furnace breakdown and that is paying attention to signs that something is wrong and scheduling service sooner rather than later. When you suspect that something is going wrong with your furnace, you should address the potential problem right away.

Ignoring the signs of furnace problems can mean that you are scheduling an emergency appointment for furnace repair in Salem, VA. You can keep reading to learn more about some of the signs that can indicate furnace issues. Then, give our team a call to schedule your service appointment and get your furnace back to its best.

Unusual Sounds

This is one of the most notable signs that your furnace is in trouble. You have probably heard a sound here or there from your furnace. But the sounds are largely quiet and consistent. You know when they happen and they don’t cause any alarm. However, there are other furnace sounds that can be downright scary. 

Examples include booming, screeching, and even persistent clicking or rattling. These sounds and any other surprising sounds that you might hear from your furnace indicate that something is wrong. Never ignore unusual sounds in your furnace just because it is still operating OK. Something serious could be going wrong and will eventually lead to your furnace breaking down when signs of a problem are not addressed.

Bad Odors

It is also important to know that your furnace should never produce any bad smells. The only exception to this rule is when it is the beginning of the heating season and your furnace turns on for the very first time after sitting unused for many months. Stale air can build up inside your furnace and smell bad when it first blows out. But after 15 or 20 minutes, these bad odors should go away completely.

If you continue smelling bad odors or smell bad odors at any other time, it is important to get the system checked out. That’s a red flag that something could be burning up inside or that you have a gas leak. Both of these issues extend beyond just a furnace malfunction. They also put your home and family at risk.

Lack of Heat

This one may seem obvious, but sometimes your furnace can lose heat so gradually over time that you don’t notice it at first. But when you do notice that your furnace is not putting out as much heat as it once did, you need to address the problem right away. It won’t magically get better on its own and instead demands professional attention. When we address problems sooner rather than later, they are often easier and cheaper to repair. 

Changes in Heating Cycles

It is also important to pay attention to the cycles that your furnace operates in. Cycles should be pretty standard, usually with 15 minutes on and another 15 or so minutes off with the cycle repeating all day long. If your furnace turns on and stays on for a long time or turns on and off at frequent intervals, then something is preventing normal heating cycles and needs to be checked ASAP.

We can help you make the best choice for furnace service. Rely on the experts at W.C. Butler Heating and Air Conditioning and schedule an appointment today.

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