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W.C. Butler Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

How to Tell if You Need Duct Cleaning Services

As we head into spring and summer, now is a good time to think about your indoor air quality. Duct cleaning services are a great way to reduce the amount of dust both in your HVAC system and around your home. But how do you know if you need to schedule a duct cleaning service?

You can keep reading to learn more about the signs that your ductwork may be in need of a cleaning appointment. If you notice any or all of these signs, you can give our team a call to schedule duct cleaning in Roanoke.

Dusty Surfaces

An easy way to know if you need duct cleaning is by monitoring how frequently you have to wipe down surfaces in your home. It’s completely normal to have to dust and wipe down surfaces regularly. But if you clean and notice that there is a layer of dust on tables or shelves again within a few days or a week, dirty ductwork may be to blame. 

Dust can get trapped in your ductwork and then mixed in with clean air as it blows through the ducts and into your home. Over the years, this problem can compound until dust buildup becomes a major problem. Cleaning out your ductwork can help you get a fresh start. With less dust circulating it can be easier to keep up with cleaning.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

You may also notice that your indoor air quality isn’t great. Your home may smell bad and you may be suffering from allergy symptoms or getting sick more often. It’s easy to think that allergy symptoms and illnesses just happen at certain times of the year and that’s the way it is. 

But it could be that dirty ductwork is contributing to the problem and worsening your symptoms or increasing the likelihood that you get sick. Bacteria and viruses can cling to dust particles, and re-circulate through your home, even spreading more. 

There may also be allergens like pollen and mold spores in high quantities. Cleaning out your ductwork helps to eliminate a buildup of these particles. There will always be some mold and some pollen in the air, but higher-than-normal levels are concerning. You’ll be able to breathe easier year-round no matter what season it is.

Next Steps for Improving Indoor Air Quality

Aside from scheduling a duct cleaning service – which is a great start – you can also invest in a whole house air purifier. This is a great way to ensure that you maintain high indoor air quality all year round following a duct cleaning service. A whole house air purifier helps to either eliminate particles from the air, or in the case of a UV air purifier, neutralize those particles so that they are no longer harmful. 

We can help you make the best choice for duct cleaning services. Rely on the experts at W.C. Butler Heating and Air Conditioning and schedule an appointment today.

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